Alexander Karschnia

Alexander Karschnia

Alexander Karschnia is performer, writer, and theorist. Co-founder of the Berlin-based performance group andcompany&Co. He has written for and about theater (Heiner Müller, Bert Brecht, René Pollesch, Rimini Protokoll) and published books like NA(AR) HET THEATER – after theater? (Amsterdam 2007). His youth sins include the invention of the Frankfurt NachtTanzDemos and the successful failure of Schlingensief's CHANCE 2000 in the 1998 Bundestag election campaign: “Failure as a Chance!” He has been irregularly blogging at and continuously contributing to Berliner Gazette, including essays such as “Lachen und Politik: Wie wir den Faschismus des postfaktischen Zeitalters bekämpfen sollten”. He participates in the initiative Die Vielen (The Many).
