Ben Anderson
Ben Anderson
Ben Anderson is a Professor in Human Geography at Durham University (Department of Geography). Over the past ten years, his research has focused on how affects such as emergency, hope, and boredom are part of contemporary political and cultural life. In particular, he has long been fascinated by how hopes linger, fade, fall apart, and return as people make and inhabit worlds. His monograph on theories of affect—Encountering Affect: Capacities, Apparatuses, Conditions (Routledge)—was published in 2014. His current research focuses on the affective lives of neoliberalisms, or, rather, the structures of feeling, moods, and atmospheres through which neoliberalisms are (de)composed and become palpable in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and in the midst of the recent resurgence of populisms. Projects under this theme include work with Helen Wilson on the moods that surround "brexit," and research on the new forms of boredom emerging in relation to digital life and their relation with forms of political disaffection.