Brain without Organs

Brain without Organs

01.02.2019 19:00
Café Stage

Moderated by Anja Henckel

What will we use our brains for? Identifying how the future of our brains—in the role of a constitutive element of freedom of choice—could look against the backdrop of a deeper understanding of our history specifically in relation to today's ever-closer wiring with technologies. A specific mentality corresponds to a specific age, if we want to understand the proliferating scope, we need to understand natural and mental evolution. Like the earth, our brain works with a multitude of bioelectric vibrations and reacts sensitively to those affecting it from the outside. How do we unlock the history of experience, the shifting ground of what it means—and how it feels—to be human? Striking talks, a participatory intervention, and discussions investigate constellations of bodies, entities, and spaces.

More information here:

A cooperation between transmediale and Import Projects, supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
