Conrad Wolfram
Conrad Wolfram

Conrad Wolfram, physicist and mathematician, is strategic director of Wolfram Research as well as European managing director. Founded by his brother Stephen, Wolfram Research is the maker of Mathematica software and spin-off Wolfram|Alpha knowledge engine. A recurring theme for Conrad Wolfram has been the democratisation of computation through automation and interactivity. He argues that this direction will be increasingly important for technical jobs and everyday living; and that in turn this changes how we should teach mathematics and related subjects. He has led the effort to move the use of Mathematica from pure computation system to development and deployment engine, instigating technology such as the Mathematica Player family and webMathematica. He serves on the Computer science committee Advisory Board at Kings College London and was on the founding committee of the IMS conferences.
At transmediale.10 Conrad Wolfram will give us a glimpse of his vision of the future of knowledge and the web with a talk entitled Wolfram Alpha: Information, Computation and the New Era of Knowledge. It will include live demonstrations and a question and answer session.