HOSTEL Sequel #1: Please Be Careful Out There, Lisa Marie – Hybrid Version
HOSTEL Sequel #1: Please Be Careful Out There, Lisa Marie – Hybrid Version
19:00–23:00, Installation
In HOSTEL Sequel #1: Please Be Careful Out There, Lisa Marie – Hybrid Version, a new project developed especially for transmediale, Stefan Panhans and Andrea Winkler combine film, installation, and staccato stage reading. With everyday racism, celebrity worship, stereotypes, and the dominating power of the economic all on the rise, precariously and flexibly traveling cultural workers of different origins deliver a sort of spoken word battle about their experiences and dreams. They constantly switch roles and, at the same time, form a choir that clashes with the rapped reports of everyday life. As in a collaborative gymnastic exercise—surrounded by scenery made up of set pieces from airport and hostel furnishings, courier services, self-optimization tools, and game show displays—they fight for a voice and to be heard, building new alliances along the way.
The majority of the performance is in German.
Performing: Serge Fouha, Lisa Marie Janke, Hyunsin Kim. Installation: Andrea Winkler. Costume: Stefan Panhans, Andrea Winkler.
Text: Stefan Panhans—partly based on stories and dream reports of the performers themselves, as well as on Lost in Representation, an audio piece by Jelka Plate and Serge Fouha.
Camera: Simone Bogner, Stefan Panhans, Andrea Winkler, Florian Winkler. Photography: Stefan Panhans, Andrea Winkler. Soundtrack: Kirsten Reese (and a fragment of Jannik Giger’s Biest). Postproduction: Stefan Panhans, Lilli Thalgott.
In cooperation with Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art and Stiftung Niedersachsen.
Kindly supported by the Aargauer Kuratorium.