Rudolfo Quintas
Rudolfo Quintas

Rudolfo Quintas is a visual artist and performer specialising in the design of interactive audiovisual systems. In the past eight years he has been experimenting and developing artistic projects that intersect distinct artistic disciplines with technological ones. The body as subject and/or interface has been a central element in his works. He has been creating performances and installation by research in domains such as gesture and motion analysis and shaping interactive digital media in augmented reality environments. He co-founded with Francisco Paim the VJ group UPLOAD (1999-2001), participated in the multidisciplinary group Humana (2001-2002) and co-founded and directed with Tiago Dionisio the Swap project (2000-2007). He is part of NIP – New Interfaces for Performance group and he is assistant professor at UBI – Universidade da Beira Interior. For the piece Burning The Sound he has been collaborating with mixed media, visual and sound artist André Gonçalves to create a dynamic visual-sound-scape, which are based on the movements of Quintas’ choreographies in real-time.