The Nth Degree

The Nth Degree

31.01.2019 19:00
HKW - Lecture Hall
The Nth Degree by Emanuel Almborg

The Nth Degree, Emanuel Almborg, UK 2018, 51'

The Nth Degree is based on a theater project inspired by Konstantin Stanislavski’s method of acting and the concept of perezhivanie: the activation of emotional experience and thought, and its application in pedagogy as well as drama. For The Nth Degree, Emanuel Almborg initiated an exchange between young people from Hackney, London, and Mid Powys, Wales. Through workshops with theater professionals, they developed a play that draws connections between two historical moments: the Rebecca Riots, a peasant revolt against privately owned toll gates and enclosure of the commons in 1840s Wales, and the more recent London riots of 2011. The exchange between the two groups was realized through drama to foster an understanding of the riots, framed by attendant issues like race, class, property, and inequality.


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