Thinking/Acting in Alliance – First Steps towards a Digital Climate Agreement

Thinking/Acting in Alliance – First Steps towards a Digital Climate Agreement

02.02.2019 10:30
HKW - K1

Our sociocultural environment risks becoming unlivable due to political, economic, and ecological developments in and around the digital environment. Though many initiatives to counter the negative impact of the course of development in digital technologies exist, there is the need for a broad movement in which these come together. Through a series of “unconference” events, iMAL aims to bring together people from different social, cultural, and technological backgrounds to reach an agreement on how to keep the digital environment open and healthy. The meeting at transmediale is the first in a series taking place in European cities (Paris, Brussels and Den Haag). At transmediale 2019 the group intends to define the core issues faced and come up with the first steps towards actual solutions that can be developed together. We hope to be able to present a Digital Climate Agreement (DCA) at transmediale 2020 that is more viable than the Paris COP21 climate agreement.

To develop the DCA people with interest or expertise in the relevant topics are invited to join the discussion, in particular people involved in the management of cultural, political, and technological organizations and companies (small organizations included). Topics will include: thinking & acting in alliance, digital infrastructures (hardware, software), freedom of speech / responsibility, preservation of digital cultures, sustainable digital environment.

The Digital Climate Agreement is an idea proposed by iMAL (Brussels). It is developed in collaboration with critic Josephine Bosma and with the participation of Cathleen Berger (Mozilla), Sarah Grant (Radical Networks), Dmytri Kleiner (Telekommunisten), Lieke Ploeger (Disruption Network Lab, Open Knowledge International), and Gaby Wijers (LIMA).

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