Esther Polak
Esther Polak
Esther Polak (1962) studied graphic art and mixed media and is interested in how technology determines (visual) perception. In this context she explores the visual and documentary possibilities of GPS. Her AmsterdamREALTIME project (2002) was one of the first large-scale art explorations in GPS (Global Positioning System) mapping. This was a joint project between artists Esther Polak, Waag Society and Jeroen Kee. In 2004-2005 she developed in collaboration with Ieva Auzina und RIXC (Riga Center of New Media Culture) 'MILKproject', a forerunner of her current project series NomadicMilk. In this project a European dairy transportation was followed from the udder of the Latvian cow to the Dutch consumer. The project was awarded with a Golden Nica at Ars Electronica in 2005.