


Humour understands reality, but refuses to be constrained by it. (John Marmysz) The transmediale.06 conference runs under the title 'Reality Addicts' and deals with artistic and social ideas that don't stop at the borders of mediatised reality. 'Reality Addicts' does not approach the relationship of media and reality from the perspective of technologies that impose specific perceptions or constructions of reality. Rather, within five panels and four lectures the conference explores ways in which these constructions can be subverted, exaggerated or reduced to absurdity. 'Reality Addiction' is a positive, affirmative attitude towards reality, faithful to the power of humour as a form of critique and social practice. Being addicted to reality means to long ever-more for it, always contradictory to and inconsistent with what we already know. The conference offers a reality-check of the present, taken from artistic, cultural and socially committed perspectives.


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