The Specter of Artificial Intelligence
The Specter of Artificial Intelligence
Why is the discourse on artificial intelligence (AI) exploding at a moment when the capitalist system has plunged into crisis? What lies behind the appearance of AI’s absolute autonomy? How do we go beyond a discussion of stressing either its desirable or apocalyptic implications? spheres: Journal for Digital Cultures addresses these questions in its upcoming issue. Instead of once again invoking the specter of artificial intelligence, spheres wants to trace human and non-human labor within automated processes, discuss the ethical implications of machine learning, and draw attention to the ongoing weaponization of autonomous technologies. It aims to shed light on the operation of techno-capitalism, which is stirring hopes and fears about the most recent reconfiguration of human-machine-relations. In order to map these terrains, spheres invites the festival audience to attend an open editorial meeting. The goal is to develop critical, conceptual, and methodological tools for research, as well as artistic practices in these fields.
Participating contributors: Heba Y. Amin, Clemens Apprich, Armin Beverungen, Randi Heinrichs, Laura Hille, Inga Luchs, Clara Wessalowski, Carolin Wiedemann
Presented in cooperation with spheres: Journal for Digital Cultures, an open access and peer-reviewed web journal associated with the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) at Leuphana University of Lüneburg.