Dewi de Vree
Dewi de Vree

Dewi de Vree is a Dutch artist (*1983) whose first work consisted of drawings and paintings. She then developed an interest in sound, natural phenomena and translations between time-based processes and still images at the VAV department, Rietveld Academy Amsterdam. She created different graphic partitures, sound installations and performances. Her growing curiosity about the interaction between the human and the machine led to the making of 'translating-machines' and several sound interfaces. These interfaces lay open the beauty of electricity by disclosing different electronic components. Together with Jeroen Uyttendaele she developed Graphite Circuits, sound installations and performances using graphite as a conductor for electricity. At the moment she lives and works in The Hague and is completing her studies of ArtScience at the Royal Academy of Art. Since September 2008 she has been collaborating with French artist Rachida Ziani on the project Elektrolab.