Hybrid Organizations (Durational Research)

Hybrid Organizations (Durational Research)


Diakron is a platform and studio for transdisciplinary research and practice located in Copenhagen. Diakron is based on exploratory research as a core value and is currently interested in creative ways of identifying and dealing with changes that invisibly permeate or unavoidably overwhelm ways of life. The group’s project Hybrid Organizations is an effort to re-think the future of the Danish welfare state and state and enterprise apparatuses in general. Here “hybrid” refers to the ways disciplines are converging in new types of organizations that overspill sector divisions, and “organization” refers to an interest in what it means to organize rather that what an organization is.

At transmediale Diakron will conduct a series of conversations with visitors and contributors to the festival, treating the event as a node in an ongoing research project on the nature of hybrid organizations. The research not only gathers knowledge, but attempts to highlight possible future alliances between emerging organizational forms.



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