Laboratoire Déberlinisation
Laboratoire Déberlinisation

Laboratoire Déberlinisation founded in Berlin in 2001 by Mansour Ciss Kanakassy with Baruch Gottlieb and Christian Hanussek to problematize the borders drawn up in Berlin in 1884-1885 (Kongokonference) and the ramifications of these which extend to today. Laboratoire Déberlinisation produces through what Leopold Sédar Senghor called "métissage culturel et biologique" physical real-world manifestations of utopian visions of an Africa prosperous, at peace, with sovereignty over its resources and its future. Laboratoire Déberlinisation has exhibited and presented throughout Europe and 3 times at the Dakar Biennale, the 2008 edition of which Mansour Ciss was awarded first prize.
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