Marie-Luise Angerer
Marie-Luise Angerer

Marie-Luise Angerer is professor of Media Studies at the Institute of European Media Studies, Department for Art and Media, University of Potsdam. Before that she was professor of Media and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, and visiting fellow and guest professor in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. Member of the European Network How Matter comes to Matter (2014–2018), and of the Research Network Affective and Psychotechnology Studies (DFG 2015–2017). She is acting director of the Brandenburg Center of Media Studies, and the spokesperson of the graduate program Sensing: The Knowledge of Sensitive Media. The focus of her research is on media technology, affect, and neuroscientific reformulations of the nonconscious; her most recent publications include Desire After Affect (2014), Timing of Affect (with Bernd Bösel and Michaela Ott, 2014), and AffectEcology. Intensive Milieus, Sensitive Environments, Aleatory Encounters (2017).