Matthias Tarasiewicz
Matthias Tarasiewicz

Matthias Tarasiewicz is active as a digital bricoleur, project manager, researcher and technology theorist and works in the fields of artistic technologies, open hardware and cryptocurrencies (blockchain applications, altcoins, cryptoeconomy). He currently is board chair of the Research Institute for Arts and Technology in Vienna, Austria and board member of the Open Source Hardware Association (USA). He worked as project lead on numerous projects, such as the "Artistic Technology Research" (FWF Peek) with the University of applied Arts Vienna, "Making Artistic Technology" (FWF Science Communication), "Journal for Research Cultures” (FWF Open Access), "AXIOM - Open Hardware Cinema" (EU Horizon2020). Publications (selection): Faceless: Re-inventing Privacy Through Subversive Media Strategies (DeGruyter, 2017), Openism: Conversations in Open Hardware (Edition Angewandte, 2016), Coded Cultures (Springer, 2011). He actively researches the blockchain and cryptoeconomics since 2010 and has a background in computer science, design and systems theory.