The concept of art as such in the form in which it existed up to the late 1980s underwent a sea change in the 1990s. Throughout the field of art an increased interest can be detected in artistic productions generally labelled as media art. The phenomenon is largely attributable to the global changes in society brought about by the advent of the new technologies. Discussions of art are now inconceivable without such terms as mediality, intermediality, interface, cyberspace, virtual reality, interactivity, media immanence etc., although there is a great deal of doubt and scepticism about whether the works concerned really are artistic activities or productions. It is likely that such traditional terms as aesthetics, avant-garde, metaphor and innovation will, therefore, regain some of the ground they have lost in the past in discussions of what constitutes art. Whether the debate about art can do justice to the phenomenon of New Media Art is the subject of this presentation.