My Little Pony

My Little Pony

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They take up a lot of space: three gigantic rocking horses whose secret is revealed only if you mount them. Trojan horse like, the calamity is hidden inside. Visible through a tiny window, embedded in their wooden necks, are images of children being humiliated by adults, children - some forced, others - obediently compliant, being exploited for dubious political goals. Pictures of abused children unable to fight against the loss of their childhood. At the same time the ponies recall the penal trestles used by the Prussian Army, the narrow-spined monstrosities culprits were forced to straddle for hours on end in full and humiliating public view. Somehow, adults feel strange sitting on top of these horses so familiar from childhood memories. The scale of things has been reversed, and this personal feeling of being caught unaware, of bewilderment, seems to be exactly what Assaf Etiel intended.
3 video channels, 3 audio channels, 3 headsets, 3 wooden frames
