Personal Show

Personal Show

16.02.2000 16:00

Gilles Charalambos. Three terms isothemes to answer Micky Kwella’s question: ‘why are you affected to work with video ?’.
(affects my emotions, infects my feelings, effects my measure); (television omnipresent ordinariness, special omniscient vision, revision conscious memory); (communication and mass, common and personal, communism and capitalism); (analytical as sense, cri­tical as method, synthetic as form); (labor or leisure, duty or pleasure, work or grace); (symbolical like economy, metaphorical like transport, logical like science); (experiment and exploration, experience and vitality, expertise and practice); (Wdeodrug, videoart, videovideo); (inside is electronic, inside is neurotronic, inside is psychotronic); (art of rhythmicity, art of plasticity, art of elasticity); (technique or skill, technology or industry, technocracy or domination); (cinematography of time, cinegetics of imagery, synaesthe- sia of totality); (extension and action, expansion and development, expression and rea­ lity); (integral and/or ethics, total and/or aesthetics, partial and/or style); (edition as disposition, montage as collage, chaining as structure); {pre-production is lumen, pro­duction is tempo, post-production is anima); (video because idea, video because void, video because video); {flying in video, thinking in video, being in video); {altering pre­scribed codes, alternating set powers, alternative to duty); (ultra - perception, hyper - emotion, inter - sensualisation); {signs of humanity, signals of personality, trace of creativity); (video - audio, audio - video, audiovisual - visuoaudial); (writing as recording, dis­ course as editing, realisation as understanding);{information and connection, program­ming and data, notion and knowledge); (phenomenon over reality, process over evolution, speculation over spectacle); (video - analogical, video - digital, video - con­ceptual); (videos by Paik!, videos by HUT!, videos by Larcher!); (see by video!, believe in video!, marvel at video!); (hallucination though contemplation, illusion though dazzling, imagination though look); (video do me, video to be, video be do);
