Press Escape

Press Escape

11.02.1995 20:30

There are barely 10 companies world-wide to date which are specialised in the use of computers and new technologies in the field of dance performance. One of the leading exponents are the Palindrome group from Nuremberg. Over the past three years Palindrome has developed a series of computer programmes designed especially for use in dance as well as special dance pieces involving the use of interactive comĀ­puter technology. In our view, the greatest artistic potential of such computer programmes and technology lies in their capacity to bring together what used to be separate media and in the prospect they hold out of unifying artistic work in different fields, of bringing people together in a new way.
People have been making music and dancing for over 10,000 years. A mutual exchange of energies and impulses between the modes of expression inherent in rhythmic music and dance formed the essence of ritual events. In western civilisations this interactivity has been largely lost as a result of the widespread dissemination of modern recording and reproduction technology. At the same time the role of the audienĀ­ce has been reduced to that of watching and applauding.
Palindrome is interested in interaction. Thanks to the latest software developments for music composition, choreography, sound generation, lighting design and the fine arts, it is now possible to make these independent art forms mutually compatible. A special computer camera system and electrodes attached to the body allow control to be exercised over music and text samples, stage lighting and image projections and interaction to take place with the movements of the dancers. Ideas and movements from the auditorium are also used as an input for artistic events.
Numerous performances in Europe and the USA, e.g. at the Washington Square Theater, New York City; The place, London; STEPS Festival, Zurich; Danish Institute of Electro-acoustic Music, Aarhus; Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe; Gassteig Theater, Munich; Centre for Contemporary Music, Dresden.
