Raquel Meyers
Raquel Meyers

Raquel Meyers (Cartagena, 1977) works with low-res graphics and photography for performance, web, video and installations. Currently she’s experimenting with storytelling and text mode visuals (ascii, petscii, teletext) together with the musician Goto80.
In 2010 lightrhythmvisuals released her collected works on the DVD Useless, Yet Crucial. It is an intense mixture of dark humour and surreal imagery which aims for your brain aswell as your body. This is especially apparent in the performance Polybius (2010). It attempts to “delete the senses” of the audience, just like the 1970′s arcade game supposedly did. Meyers uses specific colours and frequencies for optimum physiological effect. Her solo A/V performance Error Holidays (2010) combines teletext holiday dreams with Gameboy-based noise soundscapes.
Meyers grew up with black and white photography, singing in grind core bands, selling books and watching disturbing movies. During her time in Entter (2000-2007) she developed a frenetic style that is still “blowing minds (or causing seizures)” as Wired put it. There is little if any sentimality for old technologies. It is the brutalist way that fascinates her, noticeable in animation works such as The Emperor’s Snuff Box (2008) and the stop motion work Dodekafobia (2009).
Since 2004 she has performed at VJ-festivals like Mapping and Cimatics, at 8bit events like Tokyo Blip Festival and the Playlist exhibition, as well at transmediale, LABoral and LEV Festival. She currently lives and works in Sweden.