On 5 April 2010, the Internet leak website WikiLeaks published a video titled Collateral Murder, where a United States Apache helicopter fired on civilians in New Baghdad in 2007. This event will afford the distinguished guests the opportunity to re-visit the making of the Collateral Murder video three years on, to discuss the “United States v. Bradley Manning” trial on 3 June. The speakers will furthermore evaluate the groundwork of new initiatives for civil society platforms intended to monitor, lobby and support legislation that strengthen freedom of information as well as providing protections for sources and whistleblowers in the rapidly accelerating complexities of the information age.
With Birgitta Jónsdóttir (is) MP Iceland; Andy Müller Maguhn (de), Wau Holland Stiftung; John Goetz (us), journalist (ARD, NDR, Süddeutsche Zeitung). Moderated by media activist Diani Barreto (us). Introduced by Tatiana Bazzichelli (it/de), reSource transmedial culture berlin/transmediale and Leuphana University of Lüneburg/CDC.