transmediale.09 DEEP NORTH
transmediale.09 DEEP NORTH
transmediale.09 DEEP NORTH focused on the impact and unavoidable consequences of the pending global transformation.
Looking beyond the evolving alarmist scenarios of environmental catastrophe prevalent in the global warming debate, transmediale.09 shifted the focus of this challenge to the broader cultural, societal and philosophical consequences that the collapse of the northern ice barrier reveals. Are we about to reach another historically succinct moment of unavoidable and revolutionary change, a point of no return leading to an unforeseeable global transformation akin to the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago? Will it be a time in which we realise that everything will be different, without knowing how everything will be different?
In the search for DEEP NORTH, transmediale.09 seeked the paradoxical and global consequences, the re-orientation, shifting of perspectives and means to interact with the issues of cultural and technological development, innovation and creative sustainability lurking below the surface of climate change. DEEP NORTH becomes not a fixed location, but a paradigm transforming loss into a complex state of being and cultural development - an indicator of location becoming fused with global introspection.