transmediale.11 RESPONSE:ABILITY

transmediale.11 RESPONSE:ABILITY

Year of publication: 
Cover Programmbuch transmediale.11 RESPONSE:ABILITY
Cover Programmbuch transmediale.11 RESPONSE:ABILITY

transmediale.11 addressed the crucial roles we as individuals play within the firmly entrenched landscapes of digital and network media.

How we do this in trans-local and emancipatory ways is both a challenge and a goal for artists, researchers, designers and activists defining the practice of communication across a broad range of technology and socio-political fields. With RESPONSE:ABILITY these scenarios were explored with an open participatory structure, responding to the shape the culture of our contemporary digital and network environment.

Next to a “HacKaWay Zone” and an “Open Zone”, the transmediale.11 program included among other events a conference entitled BODY:RESPONSE – Biomedial Politics in the Age of Digital Liveness, the performance program LIVE:RESPONSE and a film and video program called SyncExistence.

Editor: Anna-Sophie Springer
Translations: Janet Leyton-Grant, Anna-Sophie Springer
Editorial assistant: Flora Schausberger

ruddigkeit corporate ideas - Kristina Brasseler, Dirk Heider, Gianna Pfeifer, Raban Ruddigkeit
Seltmann GmbH Druckereibetrieb, Ludenscheid
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