transmediale.11 RESPONSE:ABILITY


transmediale.11 RESPONSE:ABILITY

In our post-future era of acceleration and densification of information, the state and nature of being live and online becomes one of the crucial definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now triggering a durée of continuous digital stimulation. With RESPONSE:ABILITY transmediale.11 explored the emerging qualities of liveness as a fundamental nature of our present digital culture and discusses the abilities, that are required to respond to social, political and economic processes triggered by the intensity of our participation and interaction.

In our post-future era of acceleration and densification of information, the state and nature of being live and online becomes one of the crucial definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now triggering a durée of continuous digital stimulation. With RESPONSE:ABILITY transmediale.11 explored the emerging qualities of liveness as a fundamental nature of our present digital culture.


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