video china!!!
video china!!!
Q: Which comes first: video, art or China? A: I don't think the issue of identity is the main criterion in my selection. Even though geographical identity would obviously be in the mind of the audience when viewing the final packaged programme in Europe, I was basically concerned with the merit of the works themselves. My criteria are of course based and limited by my own experience in video art or arts in general. Associating a form of art with a specific geographical location or boundary has a certain irony. Even the choice of the term “location" or the term "boundary" often implies a very different political attitude. For example, does "east" arise only because it is the counterpart to "west"? Should we delineate the cultural "bound aries" one step further to differentiate Asian video art as opposed to European, African and American or Australian video art? Could our categorisation be based on the structure of language of these "cultures"? However, since video is a relatively new form of art, the concept of delineating cultural and geographical identity can always be put into an interesting context for creative discussions between academics, historians and art administrators.