Vincent Meessen
Vincent Meessen

Vincent Meessen (1971), born in Baltimore, studied journalism and cultural policies. He was active as a social worker and photographer and completed his postgraduate studies at the HISK (Higher Institute for Fine Arts) in Antwerp. His work develops mainly around the idea of "disputed spaces", dealing with territory as a political issue. Once preferring photography as a medium, he now explores a multitude of media, including video. His work has been shown internationally at a variety of festivals and exhibitions like STUK (Leuven), Netwerk (Aalst) and Muhka_Media (Antwerp) and at the Oberhausen International Film Festival, where he was awarded with the Grand Prize of the City of Oberhausen for N12°13.062'/W001°32.619' Extended. He has also published the photo book Qui-vive (La Lettre Volée, 2003). Meessen lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.