You May Find Yourself

You May Find Yourself

Production country: 

There are traces. The ‘self’ is there. An ‘other’ appears, then withdraws. Communication seems a possibility; an opening, perhaps an exchange. Borders are swiftly created, defined. The space is not closed, but rather occupied by the self. Yet the self is it-self enclosed. The presence of an other, its points of contact contorted into signs, dislocated into another time, another space. The ‘self’ departs; the ‘other’ too – or not. Behind this possibility hides the prospect of collapse, of failure. Communication is only a possibility.
The installation is an attempt to examine the concept of sound and light aided by technology, as a primary form of communication. Each space has a particular ‘acoustic’ which, by way of its configuration and construction, becomes perceivable, sense-able. The aim of this project is to ‘replace’ in some way the sound and light of a space – as well as those objects found within it – with a different other.
Ideally the visitor of the space will be stimulated into viewing it as an ‘instrument’ and ‘playing’ it collaboratively with other visitors.
Sounds and images generated in the space will be recorded live with the aid of microphones, video as well as photography, and transformed using a variety of effects. This manipulated ‘output’ will then be played back live into the space.

The installation was originally conceived and produced by Markus Wutzlhofer and Fabian Frischmann and premiered in April 2010 in Neukölln. It has been re-conceived and re-worked by them in collaboration with Michael Wolf and Simon Vincent for transmediale.11.


01.02., 04. 02, 05.02., 06.02. - 13:00

2 Telephone booths next to the cloakroom
