Default To Public - Tweetscreen

Default To Public - Tweetscreen


Default to Public is a project dealing with the discrepancy between people's feeling of privacy on the web and the physical world. It consists of an ongoing series of objects and interventions linking the physical world to the online world in unexpected and narrative ways to create awareness for self-exposure. Tweetscreen is a networked projection/installation in public space, showing 'tweets', which have been written near its own physical location on a large projection screen, transferring them to a medium, widely received as 'public' The twitter users whose tweets have been chosen receive a reply message, along with a photo taken by a webcam, saying that their tweet has been shown "in public", which causes a repercussion of communication on the topic in the online world. The users wonder why they – or their tweets – have been displayed: a physical link to their whereabouts is created.


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