Susa Pop
Susa Pop

Susa Pop (Public Art Lab / Connecting Cities) is an urban media curator and producer based in Berlin. In 2003 she founded Public Art Lab (PAL) as a network of experts from the fields of urban planning, new media arts and IT. Susa Pop is interested in creative community building through networking art projects that catalyse communication processes in the public space. Since 2008 Susa Pop reflects on the increasing presence of commercially used digital screens in public spaces while investigating their communicative function and networked possibilities in the urban environment. In this context she initiated the Media Facades Festivals 2008 and 2010, the Innovation Forum 2011 and the Connecting Cities Network 2012-16 and gives lectures at FH Potsdam, European Media Science and Computer Science at HTW in Berlin. The publication Urban Media Cultures which she co-edited (publisher: avedition, 2012) provides numerous examples from the areas of urban media development, technology and marketing.