Moving Forest

Moving Forest

01.02.2008 11:00
Other Locations

‘Moving Forest' is a 12-hour 5 act sonic performance operating with public wifi and mobile technology - an expandable citywide operatic manoeuvre/intervention. Derived from Kurosawa's film version of Macbeth, Spider Web Castle, ‘Moving Forest' renders the film's final sequences (12 minutes in length) into a 12-hour 'sónica' of grand scale. ‘Moving Forest’ reinvents a modern edition of a Castle Central and a city in revolt. Inside the castle, the downfall of the assumed powery outside in the city, the mobilised urbanites march with generated sounds of insurgence towards the imaginary Centre. ‘Moving Forest' collaborates with sound artists to compose acts and scores, at the same time, drafts a PD (pure data) conspiracy scheme, performing live with citywide performance transmitted by wifi.
11- 12
0] Omen
The witch/shaman - not so much prediction as a setting into motion of that which will happen. There is a relation to scripting or coding. The shamanic program is written, later to be executed by hardware that knows not what it does.

12- 14
1] Remorse
Washing imaginary blood from the hands of Lady Macbeth. The nowhere spider web forest is exactly this opening (of our segment) film image.

2] Betrayal
A thousand arrows falling. Falling antenna / tree man - perceived central threat - pierced by a thousand arrows.

3] Overthrow
The establishment of an alternative network (W.A.S.T.E) however fictional, transmission from rooftops, massing of small devices, détournement of city structures for emission.
18- 19 — intermission — moving space

19- 22
4] Insurgency
A mobile forest-as-camouflage on the move through/as the city itself, meshing with electromagnetic substance. An unintentional deceit (world interface) matches the program or prediction. The moving forest is not divine, bridging magic, but some kind of use, a deceit working in another way - as also becoming magic through no intention. A nebulous forest of antennas.

5] Eternal return: goto 0]
The conspiracy returns and thus remains. The grey castle remains.
