Commerce, Creation & Independence
Commerce, Creation & Independence
Production - Distribution - Presentation - Reception
Does the form of promotion by TV and state bodies have a commercializing influence on video type and content?
Does the distribution/presentation of video function? What is the reality of "Les Cent Lieux"?
The wealth of production possibilities in France led to the high quality
and wide range of "vidéo création". In comparison with other countries,
more funding and acceptance seems to be available. Is commer-cia-
lization of the medium a possible result?
Production conditions
Television: promotion or restriction? What impetus has been provided by channels such as Canal+ and La Sept, and what is the current state of affairs? Did the showing of videos lead to a kind of short-term culture TV or did it stimulate a general renewal of TV culture? Was there a crystallization of certain directions, formal lan-guages; of reciprocal influence? Did contact with television mean that video artists had to adapt to TV standards or was it an opportunity for them to expand their expressive possibilities? State funding
Which criteria govern the promotion of video producfions and organizations? What are the positive and negative consequences (e.g. dependencies). How are productions distributed -on a national and regional level - between the two poles INA and PEUPLE ET CULTURE?
Video creators
What is the current situation with regard to marketing and/or survival strategies in the video sector? Does a counterpole exist - equivalent to independents - to the commercially organized video scene? Presentatiom "Les Cent Lieux" or: the reality of the province. Has "vidéo création" escaped the urban ghetto? What has been the contribution of distributors and curators of screening venues and festivals in this process?
Like in other countries, spec-ta- cular events are essentially used to bring electronic media closer to the French public (major exhibitions such as "Les Immatériaux" and "Passage de l'im age" in Paris). Centre Pompidou: trailblazer or merchandi- zer of electronic media? Does a gallery and media centre network exist as a counterpole?