TVideo 4: Beerdigung
TVideo 4: Beerdigung
In 1990, following the country's first democratic elections, Elemer Hankiss became head of Hungarian Television. He replaced the old hierarchical structures with production offices such as FRIZ. These new offices belonged to the television company but nonetheless enjoyed an unusual degree of independence. Within three years, several hundred programs, primarily about art and culture, had been created in the newly founded FRIZ studio. FRIZ succeeded in attracting young videomakers who had never had contact with television before (including many painters, musicians, and film students). Long-term programming series included Videoworld, Mediamix, Culture Person, Adams' Sons/ Eva's Daughters, and others. In addition to a variety of festival prizes, FRIZ also received the prize of the Budapest Film Show in 1992 for the best creative collective.
In 1993 Elemer Hankiss was suspended after trying to defend the independence of Hungarian Television against attempts by the government (and/ or politi cal parties) to assert tighter con trol. Directorial positions and production offices were dissolved and in the summer FRIZ lost its ability to produce its programs. At present Hungarian Television has no chairman - new laws on the media have not been introduced - and programs are continuously being removed from the air. In view of fhis situation a wide variety of cultural figures are increasingly withdrawing broadcasting rights for their works from television. The media war is underway. Judit Kopper. Temetés/ Funeral; A fotografía filozófusa; TV Borísz és Misa; Media Wars