Shingo Inao
Shingo Inao

Japanese artist Shingo Inao performs live with a sonification of body movement using sensor-driven techniques using two self-made instruments with tilt and distance sensors. One called Tosso looks like a thin contrabass, the other is a hand-sized device named Qgo. He also exhibits sound installations and objects focusing mainly on how sound can change the structure of a room.
He studied sound art and computer music with Prof. Susumu Shono, Prof. Takayuki Rai and Takayuki Hayashi in the Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo. He studied media art in the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) and currently does an MA course in media design at the Bauhaus University, Weimar. His installations and objects have been shown in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, America and Japan. He has performed for Elektro-Mechanica (St.Peterburg), club transmediale (Berlin) and Leipjazzig Festival (Leipzig). He won the DAAD-Prize in 2008 and in 2009 he was selected as a finalist (New Media) for the Prix Phonurgia Nova in France.