Award Competition Interactive


Award Competition Interactive

‘This jury was faced with mostly interdisciplinary and hybrid works of art that have roots in various other media and pro­fessions. Interactivity in this sense is subject to inflation in its general meaning and is hardly suitable anymore as a gene­ral term for describing the often complex patterns of interaction within the different artworks. Interaction in these works takes place between people, between people and machines, and between the machines themselves. The design of the interaction in itself already confronted the jury with many different approaches, interfaces and types of software design. It also showed how interaction in different disciplines and hybrid areas focuses on different qualities that cannot always be compared easily. In this sense, many of the works submitted have become complex machines where the user co-ope­rates with, obstructs and directs the work. This results in dynamic patterns of interaction within which the work itself evol­ves. Although the general quality of the works submitted was somewhat disappointing, it was on the other hand very pro­mising to see the high quality of some specific works. The media artworks which were shortlisted illustrate that our concepts of re-constructing reality, and our strategy to iden­tify with this reality, has found new forms. Especially interactive environments create models for the behaviour in a new social network of relationships, which cannot exist without the acting participant. They can teach us today, how, in post­ industrial societies, as many people as possible can participate in social processes.' Jury: Alex Adriaansens (NL) director V2_Organisatie, Dr. Söke Dinkla (D) curator and director of the Festival Office Duisburg, Prof. Michael Saup (D) media artist, Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe


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