Gianni Toti

Gianni Toti

20.02.1996 22:30

Gianni Toti is famous for producing phantamagorias whose titles give a hint of their make up: Utopic-Cosmo-Chronical Video-Poem-Opera-Essay on the Meta-Urbanistic Hypothesis of Planetizing the City-Metropole-Megapole-Megistapole- Conurbopole-Planetpoles. This work, perhaps a negative video-utopia, concerns itself with the danger of a world­ wide mobilization, and the Holderlinesque question: "Can we live in our poetic world-home?" Toti resorts to grandiose visuals tricks, a wealth of almost suffocating effects and, once again, to invented textures never seen before. Through modifications on the used visual materials, he breeds muta­ ted forms, colors and surfaces, and proves himself to be a master of the medium. Although the text is in English, Italian, French and Spanish, a translation would only hinder the interplay of tonalities which nearly become a painting in sounds. Toti's love of length and repititions always makes his work hard to watch. But whoever submits can expect a great delight.
