Miriyam Auoragh
Miriyam Auoragh

As an undergrad, Miriyam Auoragh studied anthropology/non-Western Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (specialised in what was then called 'Ethnic and Minority Studies'); during her graduate studies she took courses in Anthropology & Sociology at Goldsmiths University of London, and Arabic and Politics at Birzeit University. The MA thesis concerned the question of national identity amongst university students in Palestine during the Oslo era after the First Intifada. She worked as a counselor in Amsterdam [setting up projects and policies vis-a-vis minority youth, something she cared about politically and personally. With local politics she couldn't change much of the structural inequalities, she got more involved in activism and at the same time an academic itch started. In 2001 she embarked on a PhD research regarding the implications of the Internet in Palestine. She got involved with anti-war and anti-racism campaigns. After the Phd research she taught 'Race, Racism and Islamophobia in the Netherlands' . In 2008 she was awarded the Rubicon grant and since 2009 a postdoc fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute. She studies the implementation of Web 2.0 in political activist organising in Palestine and Lebanon and she follows the impact of the Internet on complex political dynamics in the Arab world. Apart from research she lectures Cyber Politics and Mass Media at the Oxford Middle East Centre University. In 2013 she will start a new research (Leverhulme) about the role of new/online media before, during and after the Arab revolutions at CAMRI (University of Westminster).