Womb Wars

Womb Wars

Production country: 

"No moral is to be found, no side is clearly taken in the work of TODT, There is just confusion. The viewer recognizes that this is frightening material. TODT's pretext is that our bodies are not our own. We are losing control of our personal biology. The body becomes a place that is always being fought over. The womb, once perceived as a haven for safety, today is a war zone. Not taking a moral stand on abortion, TODT shocks us into the realization that the overriding dilemma is one of loss of control (...). TODT, a collaborative group, endeavors to downplay the individual. Symbolic of this corporate mentality is their logo-like name, each letter capitalized. Obvious fascination with the militaristic and today's high-tech look an exaggeration of America's obsessions with materialism and the 'proliferation of stuff'... "
(Quotes from a text by Barry A, Rosenberg and Teresa K. Schal- nat on "Womb Wars")
The site-specific installation "Womb Wars" is an open system, an incorporation of aestethic mobility: a multi-media space within the space is marked through the use of cat-walks on various levels which link objects from medical, technical and audiovisual fields with multi-media components such as light-boxes, glass-fibre optics, surveillance cameras and monitors. Thematically,
the installation is first of all concerned with the registration, monitoring, controlling and representation of the human body. On second thought, however, the work is concerned with a more general order. With regard to hospitals, prisons etc., "Womb Wars", i.e. internal wars, deconstructs chaotic systems, self-referential archives, distorted visual logics, cinematographic malfunctions. TODT restage ways of dying: yet, the appropriation and constructivist montage of found material conveys a defiant productivity. The viewer is attracted to explore this complex system of associations by literally walking up and down this room within a room.
In cooperation with the Academy of Arts Berlin/ Brandenburg, the Cultural Department of the American Embassy Bonn, the Amerika-Haus Berlin, the Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnatti and Foro Artístico at the Eisfabrik, Hannover.
