Rasheedah Phillips
Rasheedah Phillips

Rasheedah Phillips is the Managing Attorney of the Housing unit at Community Legal Services, a mother, writer, the creator of The AfroFuturist Affair, the co-creator of Black Quantum Futurism multimedia arts collective, and a founding member of Metropolarity Queer Sci-Fi collective. In 2014 she independently published her first speculative fiction collection, Recurrence Plot (and Other Time Travel Tales), followed by an anthology of experimental essays from Black visionary writers called Black Quantum Futurism: Theory & Practice Vol. I in 2015. As part of BQF Collective, Phillips was a 2015 Artist-in-Residence at West Philadelphia Neighborhood Time Exchange, a 2016 A Blade of Grass fellow, and has exhibited or performed at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Black Oak House Gallery, Temple Contemporary, Stony Island Arts Bank in Chicago, WORM! Rotterdam, and more. Phillips has work appearing in the book Keywords for Radicals: The Contested Vocabulary of Late Capitalist Struggle and Unveiling Visions: The Alchemy of the Black Imagination exhibition catalogue, and has had work published in the Temple University Political and Civil Rights Journal, Atlanta Black Star, and other publications.