Yvonne Volkart
Yvonne Volkart

Dr. Yvonne Volkart lectures art and media theory at the Academy of Art and Design FHNW Basel where she has led the Swiss National Science Foundation research project Ecodata – Ecomedia –Ecoesthetics. The Role and Significance of New Media, Technologies and Technoscientific Methods in the Arts for the Perception and Awareness of the Ecological (2017-2020). In collaboration with Sabine Himmelsbach (HeK, Basel) and Karin Ohlenschläger (LABoral, Gijon) she co-curated the exhibition and book project Eco-Visionaries. Art, Architecture and New Media After the Anthropocene. Completed research projects include: Times of Waste (2015–2018). She was a core-member of the cyberfeminist network Old Boys Network.