Siegfried Zielinski
Siegfried Zielinski

From 1990-1993 Siegfried Zielinski was professor for audiovisual studies at the University of Salzburg (Austria), where he developed the teaching and research department „Audiovisions“. From 1994-2000 he was Founding Rector of the Academy of Arts and the Media in Cologne, and held its chair for media and communication studies (1993-2006). He published numerous books and essays mainly with focus on the archaeology of the media. His most recent book in English is Deep Time of the Media (Cambridge MA, 2006). In 2004 he founded the modest research unit Variantology - On Deep Time Relations between the Arts, Sciences and Technologies which includes the publication of a 5-volume-book-series under the same title. So far Variantology 1 (2005), Variantology 2 (2006) and Variantology 3 (2008) have been published by Walther König in Cologne.
Zielinski is elected member of the Academy of Arts Berlin, the European Film Academy, and the Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain. Since January 2007 he teaches and researches at the Berlin University of Arts. He regularly gives master classes at MECAD in Barcelona, particularly for students from Latin America, teaches techno-aesthetics and media archaeology at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas Fee, Switzerland, where he holds the Michel Foucault professorship.