Oliver Baurhenn
Oliver Baurhenn

Born in Lüdenscheid (Germany) on November 21, 1970, Oliver Baurhenn currently lives in Berlin. He works as freelance curator, and has been organising CTM – Festival for adventurous music and related visual arts (formerly known as club transmediale festival) since 2002. He studied Comparative Literature, Romance Languages and Literature (French and Spanish), and Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina at Frankfurt/Oder (D). He is one of the founding members of several associations including DISK - Initiative Bild & Ton e.V. (Sound and Image Initiative), the cooperative working building INN.to, and the project space General Public. Since mid-2010 he is also Project Head of the 5-year project “ECAS-Networking Tomorrow’s Art for an Unknown Future” that is funded by the European Commission – Culture Program.