Schedule 2018
Do, 01.02.
#07 bookmark11:30 to 13:00, HKW - K1DiscussionMit Shaina Anand, Nadia Idle, Lisa Nakamura, Stefan Rusu, Oliver Lerone Schultz, Penny Travlou* Pässe und Einzeltickets
#09 bookmark14:00 to 18:00, HKW - K1WorkshopMit Marc Tuters, open intelligence lab* Registrierung
#18 bookmark19:30 to 22:30, HKW - K1WorkshopMit University of the Phoenix (Max Haiven & Cassie Thornton)* Registrierung
Fr, 02.02.
Sa, 03.02.
#38 bookmark11:30 to 13:00, HKW - K1DiscussionMit Valie Djordjevic, Vladan Joler, Marta Peirano, Roee Rosen, Marc Tuters, Jillian C. York* Pässe und Einzeltickets
#40 bookmark14:00 to 16:00, HKW - K1WorkshopMit Triple Canopy, Aria Dean, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Michelle Williams Gamaker* Registrierung