Hausradio – station melt


Hausradio – station melt

station melt is a collaboration of two radio stations in two metropolises broadcasting from the core of transmediale and CTM. Lasting for 4 days and nights this radio festival will air a special programme on Resonance 104.4 FM in London and the event frequency 99.1 FM in Berlin.

station melt is a collaboration of two radio stations in two metropolises broadcasting from the core of transmediale and CTM. Lasting for 4 days and nights this radio festival will air a special programme on Resonance 104.4 FM in London and the event frequency 99.1 FM in Berlin. A world spanning network of radio flow is created through international outpost events of transmediale and collaboration with the network. Resonance 104.4 FM, the award winning artist run radio station based in London embraces all niches of sonic culture and has a worldwide community of active listeners. A combination of live highlights of transmediale and CTM with on-air discussions from the Hausradio studio at HKW is framed by co-produced shows of Berlin and London radio makers and artists. Hausradio hosts a one-day workshop with Resonance 104.4 FM about its design principles, targeted at radio producers and station managers, music and media journalists.

104.4 MHz London – Resonance FM
99.1 MHz Berlin – springradio


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