Gianni Toti
Gianni Toti
Gianni Toti is famous for producing phantamagorias whose titles give a hint of their make up: Utopic-Cosmo-Chronical Video-Poem-Opera-Essay on the Meta-Urbanistic Hypothesis of Planetizing the City-Metropole-Megapole-Megistapole- Conurbopole-Planetpoles. This work, perhaps a negative video-utopia, concerns itself with the danger of a world wide mobilization, and the Holderlinesque question: "Can we live in our poetic world-home?" Toti resorts to grandiose visuals tricks, a wealth of almost suffocating effects and, once again, to invented textures never seen before. Through modifications on the used visual materials, he breeds muta ted forms, colors and surfaces, and proves himself to be a master of the medium. Although the text is in English, Italian, French and Spanish, a translation would only hinder the interplay of tonalities which nearly become a painting in sounds. Toti's love of length and repititions always makes his work hard to watch. But whoever submits can expect a great delight.