Katrien Jacobs
Katrien Jacobs

Katrien Jacobs is associate professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has lectured and published widely about pornography, censorship and media activism in China and global media environments. She is working on long-term research projects in visual anthropology that detail the impact of Japanese animation on South East Asian youth cultures and social networks. She is the author of three books about Internet culture, art and sexuality. Her first book Libi_doc: Journeys in the Performance of Sex Art (Ljubljana: Maska, 2005) is a travelogue and performative narration that details encounters with culturally diverse media artists. Her second book Netporn: DIY Web Culture and Sexual Politics (Rowman and Littlefield, 2007) received critical claim amongst media scholars as a pioneering study of emerging web cultures that challenge government regulations and the aims of corporate expansionism. Her most recent book People’s Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet (Intellect Books, 2011) investigates mainland China’s immersion in new trends in sexual entertainment and DIY media.
Her work can be found on www.libidot.org/blog