Predictive Art Bot
Predictive Art Bot
Ventilators, software, implemented bot concept
Courtesy: Nicolas Maigret & Maria Roszkowska (DISNOVATION.ORG)
Nicolas Maigret and Maria Roszkowska’s Predictive Art Bot is an algorithm that uses current discourse as a basis to create concepts for artistic projects and, at times, prophesize absurd future trajectories for art. Algorithms are now widely used in different fields to make predictions using data analysis, statistical analysis, and pattern recognition for applications including the purchasing behavior of particular groups, global market developments and even potential crimes. In contrast, the Predictive Art Bot is a specialist in making art forecasts, published daily on Twitter (, which are meant to expand the limited human imagination with new, nonhuman perspectives. The concept producing the most resonance on Twitter has been realized for “alien matter.” As a parody of transhumanist prophecies, the Predictive Art Bot liberates artists from the constraints of creativity and develops ideas not yet implemented or conceived of by humans.
Featuring an artwork by Jonathan Beilin & Magnus Pind Bjerre.