Alina Rudnitskaya
Alina Rudnitskaya

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Alina Rudnitskaya was born 1976 in Zaozernyj (Murmansk), Russia. She is director and script writer. From 1994 to 1997 she attended the Academy of Aerospace Engineering, St.Petersburg, afterwards the University of Culture and Arts, St.Petersburg. Her short films are mostly produced for the renowned St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio and describe the new Russian society. She received more then 30 international awards for her films, e.g. main prices in Oberhausen, Interfilm, Vila do Conde, Lavr, Documentamadrid. She lives and works in St. Petersburg. "Some people ask me if there are any staged images in my films because they don't believe what they see. But no, it's all documentary." (Alina Rudnitskaya)
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