Anna Gritz
Anna Gritz

Anna Gritz is the curator at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin where she organized exhibitions with Paul Elliman, Nicholas Mangan, Margaret Honda and Lucy Skaer. Previously she held curatorial positions at the South London Gallery (SLG) and the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, where she curated film, performance, and exhibitions and commissioned new works by artists including Juliette Blightman, Michael Smith, Bonnie Camplin, Kapwani Kiwanga, Jill Magid, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Lis Rhodes and others as well as the group exhibitions Last Seen Entering the Biltmore (2014), and independently Duh – Art and Stupidity (co-curated with Paul Clinton) at Focal Point Gallery (2015). Her writing has been featured in Art Monthly, Art Agenda, frieze, frieze d/e, Mousse and Cura, exhibition catalogues and books. She is currently working on an exhibition with Judith Hopf, scheduled to open at KW in February 2018.