Pieterjan Grandry
Pieterjan Grandry

Pieterjan Grandry is a Belgian graphic designer/artist living and working in Berlin, graduated as Master in Arts and design in 2009. Pieterjan has set up his office in Berlin. Modem Studio deals mainly with print and web design. Next to his practice as graphic designer, Pieterjan founded Crap is good, a blog dedicated to documenting and describing contemporary visual culture, prioritizing projects realized by small groups or individuals in search of independence and with attention to experiment. The blog extends itself into a publishing imprint, and publishes under the name Crap is Good Press. Combining his interests in bookmaking, self-publishing and architecture, Pieterjan has initiated the project ‘What is the future of architecture?’, a biennial edition which experiments with collective authorship and alternative ways of financing a publication.
> crapisgood.com
> modem.studio